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Discover a dog-friendly hike with your dog in Andorra!
If you’re a lover of outdoor activities and you also have a loyal four-legged friend, then you can’t miss hiking with your dog in Andorra. The country offers a unique and diverse natural environment, where both you and your furry companion will enjoy yourselves to the full.

Dog-friendly hikes in Andorra

Andorra has a large number of trails and paths that are perfect for walking with your dog. From quiet walks in the forest to more demanding excursions in the mountains. There are options for all levels and tastes: inform yourself thoroughly before starting a hike and choose one that suits your physical condition. It is also important to be properly equipped with mountain clothing and footwear, a hat, sun cream and good hydration. Remember to keep your dog on a leash at all times.
Here is an itinerary that you can do well with the whole family.

Excursion to the Estanyó Lake

The hike starts in the Sorteny nature park in the Ordino biosphere reserve, the starting point for this and other hikes.
From the information hut you will have to climb almost to the top of the Borda De Sorteny refuge. On this first stretch you will come across the sculpture commemorating the stripagecs, by the Andorran artist Pere Moles. Five 8-metre-high figures recreate the iron bars that were once placed on the windows of houses to protect them from thieves. Right next to it you’ll find a small botanical garden with some of the species found in the park. If you take the route with your dog and your children, they will enjoy learning the names of the plants and flowers.
As we said, you have to continue until you almost reach the refuge, which is open in summer and has a restaurant service (if you are interested in staying for lunch, we recommend that you make a reservation beforehand). A little further on you will find a turning on the right that shows you the way to the Estanyó lake. First there is a short descent to the river and then a path that climbs up through the forest. This is the steepest climb of the entire route, with about 200 metres of ascent. Once you leave the trees behind, the path is gentler and follows the river upwards until you reach the lake.
It takes about 2 hours one way and 2 hours return, with a moderate difficulty.
To get to the Sorteny park, you have to go to the parish of Ordino. In the summer months the car park is payable from 8.30 am (€4). If you arrive before that time, you can park for free and avoid the hottest hours of the day.

Pet-friendly flats

After enjoying this trail with your dog, you’ll need a comfortable and cosy place to rest. In our spacious and comfortable flats we welcome guests with pets, where you can relax and enjoy a peaceful atmosphere.
In this article you will find tips for enjoying the mountains with your dog and the information you need to know about travelling to Andorra with a pet. Please note that we apply a surcharge of €10 per pet per night.

There’s no better way to enjoy a holiday than doing what you love with your pet. So don’t think twice, get ready for an unforgettable adventure in Andorra! Explore its wonderful routes, admire its natural beauty and stay in pet-friendly flats to enjoy a perfect stay. Your dog will thank you and you’ll have unforgettable moments together, so pack your bags!

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